Renegade North Amelia



DOB: 6/12/2015

2017 - +V++ FS82 @ 02-01

SOLD - 3/30/18



Amelia pictured 7/21/17

Amelia pictured 7/21/17

Amelia is a cute little doe who is fairly correct. Her small stature may keep her out of the show ring, but I am willing to retain her a bit longer to see if she has a place in the program.

Update: I decided to sell Amelia, her 2017 doe kid Lucy, and her two 2018 kids.  I needed to make cuts somewhere so it has to be in the does who will not be competitive in the open class.  Amelia's dam Rebecca also went with them to their new home.  I am very excited that they will be appreciated and milked.


  • 2017 - Renegade North Lucy (sold) by Zanzabeez GD It's Greek To Me ("Zeus")
  • 2018 - unnamed doe & buck by Renegade North Wind